

Listen to Installation tracks on Bandcamp


Aquarium is a water and dye project. The idea is to make sound from dye dissolving in water. Fluid dynamics is my field of professional work, but you can also use it as an instrument for music. Here we have a audiovisual experiment. Dye is released into the water and dissolves and disperses. We have two main mechanisms. Advection and diffusion. The advection is strongest in the beginning and at the end the diffusion dominates. The music reflects this process and becomes monotonous and hyponic.

Water with two different colors are dripping into the water and we record the visuals. Complex Max patch is used to convert the video to sound through a complex mapping. Here we have a total of 1600 oscillators, each oscillator with a specific frequency and panning. It is all sinus tones.

The first aquarium experience. Here we are scanning the aquarium from left to right and interpret the signal.

Dispersion [2013] from Thomas Wernberg on Vimeo.

The drop machine is a ... machine making drops. 

By using contact microphone, each drop is then sound manipulated.

The Drop machine is designed to include a feedback similar to a weakly coupled oscillators. You can read more about it here and here. The idea is that when a water drop hits a bucket, then a small force is distributed to the other drops, increasing the chance that a new droplet is triggered. In nature you can find this process many places, e.g. Synchronization of fireflies blinking, cells in the heart triggering at the almost same time, people clapping tends to synchronize the clapping etc. 

Compositions for Drop Machine and Clarinet (Lotte Maxild) are currently work in The music is improvised but far from free. 

Recordings - 2013

These recording are availabe on bandcamp, free to listen to:


We know what each other is playing when but the setup gives us a huge degree of freedom. Here is two pieces of music, each Progress as we development the sound, compositions and visual expression of the music. The music is recorded live during rehearsals.