
Simple work ideas interesting pieces of work

Song for Vaetilda

Song for Vaetilda is a trasck from my 'White Star' album Here I have added a movie compiled from several train rides in the winter 2015.


LEDs making up a living night city in this improvised rhythmic work using only analog synth and Benjolin (made by Derek Holzer).

Jazz and Noise

This liveset is a story about the history of jazz made with noise and old footage.

Taking the atmosphere from jazz music from the 1920ties and 30ties using a amplified mechanical record player combined with prepared audio/video, effects and noise generators. The result is a audible and visual collage of impressions of a forgotten era with the happiness and melancholy.
Duration: 20 - 30 minutes

The Jazz'n'Noise is about playing old Jazz records on a amplified mechanical record player and mix it audio-prepared video and effects. All effects are played live, taking the sounds from the record player or video and creating drone music.

A part of the live set is the gramophone player. Here old jazz tunes are played live. The Gramophone has been amplified at the pickup.

Here is a Video from a live session at Fairbar in Aarhus, july 2012.